Monday, October 12, 2009

November Meeting Details

Details have been finalized for next month's Titus Two meeting and are as follows:

Date: Friday, November 13
Time: 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Place: Maggie Barnhouse's residence
(Directions will be posted at church.)
Please bring an appetizer or dessert.
Speaker: Mrs. Red Lott
Topic: Husband/Wife Relationship
Helpful Hints Topic: Grocery Shopping Tips

You may want to bring your Bible, a notebook and a pen to take notes. I'm sure Ms. Red will share plenty of information that you will want to remember.

Ms. Red is planning to have a Q&A time after she is done speaking. We'd also like to have a time where everyone can feel free to ask questions or bring up topics for discussion. This will be a time to help each other -- "How do you find time for devotions?" "What kind of snacks are good for after school?" "When and how do you do laundry -- all on one day or a couple loads a day?" This is where we could use the advice of the learned women in our church. I know I've been able to pick up useful tips from other ladies in the church in many areas of life.

If you have any trouble finding someone to watch your children, please let me know. There are many college students and young ladies from church that I can recommend.

Please plan to come and be a part of this Titus Two group whether you could use some encouragement or if you feel the Lord could use you to be an encouragement! Can't wait to see you there!

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