Sunday, May 23, 2010

ATND - Annual Thursday Night Dinner

My favorite recipe books are those with pictures. Hey, I'd like to know what the goal is, right? So I've tried to have a picture for each recipe I post; however, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel. This is one of the last pictures, so I will have to start making more things or better yet, you all can submit recipes. I will post something later, but June is going to be "kid-friendly" recipes and July is going to be "summer recipes" (grilling, vegetables from garden, etc.)

Back to this post . . . you've probably gathered that recipes I get from my mother-in-law (MIL) are good, but they have a story. This recipe is no exception. Where it originated, I don't think they even remember. Story is, it is called Annual Thursday Night Dinner (ATND), BUT you CANNOT make it on Thursday night! It has now just become a happy memory from Rick's childhood and he likes to have it often -- me, not so much. The kids like it and it's fairly inexpensive which puts it in the 'win' column.

Annual Thursday Night Dinner

1 1/2 - 2 lbs ground beef
salt and pepper, to taste
1 jar of beef gravy
onion (optional)

Form 6-8 patties and cook in skillet a little under desired doneness, flipping at least once to other side adding salt and pepper to taste.  Add slices of onion on top of each patty. Pour jar of beef gravy over patties and heat through for 3-5 minutes.

Service with mashed potatoes -- great with extra gravy over potatoes (not pictured because that is a lunch for my husband and he doesn't care for gravy on his potatoes).

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